Hip arthritis is one of the most common types of arthritis experienced by people. If you are searching for more information about how we specifically treat hip arthritis check out this page here. Our specialty physical therapy clinic is located in Brighton Beach, and we are accepting new patients.
If you are looking for more general information about how physical therapy can help, we recommend you check out our – hip pain treatment in Brooklyn page. There we describe the anatomy which may help you understand more about why rehabilitating hip pain is complex…there are lots of anatomical structures involved. We even has some home remedy advice; back to hip arthritis treatment.
What is Hip Osteoarthritis and How can Physical Therapy Help?
There are two large bone surfaces, the femoral head (the top of the femur/thigh bone) and the acetabulum (which is the socket of the hip joint and part of the pelvis) that are covered with cartilage to cushion and lubricate the hip joint.
With years of heavy and repeated compression, shear, and torsion movements on a hip joint, the cartilage can wear down. It’s a normal aging experience. However, for some this aging process can be painful. The cartilage that covers the surface of the femur and is within the socket (acetabulum) can wear out. This cartilage doesn’t have any sensory pain nerves with it so compression, shear, and torsion don’t hurt. The underlying osseous structures (the bones) do have pain nerves. When the cartilage wears out and causes inflammation due to damage or from the underlying bone, hip osteoarthritis is the result.
There is no known cure for hip osteoarthritis (though some suggest stem cells may help). The good news is even if you have osteoarthritis, it doesn’t have to be painful and debilitating.
It Makes Sense to Try Conservative Care First
For those with a painful hip, our expert physical therapists specialize in care for those looking for hip pain treatment in Brooklyn.
If you have hip arthritis, the temptation is to want to get rid of it and opt in for surgery right away. Here’s why this doesn’t make sense. First, the age related changes in your hip didn’t happen overnight. There was a time, right before your hip pain started, that the joint cartilage was still worn down, but you were pain free. Chances are you can be pain free again without aggressive treatments.
Here’s why you should try physical therapy for hip pain relief first:
- It’s natural – there are little to no side effects compared to drugs, injections, or surgery.
- It’s more affordable – most tests, invasive injections or surgery are costly and you’ll pay a larger copay/coinsurance payment
- You can get started with physical therapy right away. Sometimes it takes weeks or even months to see a surgeon. Then you wait around for tests (x-rays & an MRI), then you see the doctor and have to wait for surgery.
If physical therapy doesn’t work, you will have better mobility, better strength, and you’ll be better prepared for the recovery process if you do indeed have surgery. There is a term that describes preparing yourself for hip surgery so you will have a better outcome – it’s called “Hip Prehabilitation.”
Want to find out more about hour hip osteoarthritis treatment in Brooklyn, you can click here to request an appointment or call (718) 676-4112, (646) 226-7081 or (212) 379-6414
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